04 October 2024

October Blog Challenge Day 4

While the new Salem’s Lot wasn’t everything it might have been, it did remind me that Gordon Lightfoot had some awesome tunes.

Speaking of Salem’s Lot, I saw something today that said the director’s original cut was three hours long, but he trimmed it down to just under two hours. I would hope that cut is available someday, because I think it might be a huge improvement on what I saw last night.

I’m really tired tonight. Worked the day, then went canvassing for about two hours. Came home and grilled some chicken breasts, which we ate alongside the San Francisco treat. I also grilled up a pentad of bratwursts lest they creep past their expiration date.

Those bratwursts were pretty good. I’d read a click-bait article last week about the ten best bratwursts, and number two happened to be the ones they sell at Aldi. I’ve never been to an Aldi, so I figured I’d drop into the one up the road and grab some brats. The prices did seem pretty good overall, but there didn’t seem to be a lot of selection. I picked up the brats in the meat department and was slightly disappointed there wasn’t a real meat counter.

Not sure where I was going with that one, but hey. Wordcount, am I right?

This last week at work, everyone was given a Stanley 30 ounce insulated mug. They’re Smurf blue and have the company logo on them. As much as I’d written off Stanley mugs for their sin of being trendy, I have come to appreciate mine in a very short amount of time. I put a Miskatonic University sticker on mine so I wouldn’t mix it up with anyone else’s.

I’ve got my fingers crossed for a pleasant and uneventful weekend. I have nothing planned, aside from errands and seeing Sunny for coffee. I suppose I should go read his blog entries, just to make sure he’s holding up his end of the bargain.

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