02 October 2024

October Blog Challenge Day 2

And we’re back with another action-packed episode (issue?) of our daily blog challenge. Assuming you read the previous entry, you know that I’m just typing so I can realize a three-hundred word blog post. It’s not that three-hundred words is hard to generate, necessarily. It’s good exercise, right? Brain training. Groovy.

Driving into work this morning I had Pink Floyd on shuffle, and Waiting for the Worms (from The Wall) came on. I’ve always liked the song, but all the sudden I was hearing it from a position I’d never considered before. Today’s politics are an echo of what that song expresses - a mask of 1920’s Germany held over Cold War-era Britain. And now it’s here, in 2020’s America. And about half of all eligible voters don’t even care.

Maybe I’m being dramatic. Would not be the first time.

Was also reading about feral children for no reason other than I’d been watching an X-Files episode called “The Jersey Devil.” Season One, Episode Five. Not the best episode offered by the X-Files, but suitably entertaining in spots. By the time it ended, I was alternating my attention between the television and my iPad. I checked the clock – ten minutes to nine – and decided I’d probably better go upstairs and get this blog post out of the way.

The cats are having a rampage. They are hungry, so they act out in a beastly manner until I get annoyed enough to feed them (or so they assume). At some unspoken agreement, they’ll eventually stop tearing across the scenery, sit or flop down, and stare at me as if trying to decide if there’s anything else that might intimidate me into filling their bowls.

I let them wait. It’s not even ten o’clock yet.

So… yeah. I think that about covers it to the tune of three-hundred words and change. More tomorrow.

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