01 October 2024

October Blog Challenge Day 1

The last time I wrote anything in (on?) this blog, I was in my forties. How time flies.

Putting that last post into context, it was only about a month later that I slipped on ice in my driveway and fractured my ankle. That put the whole gaming club thing to bed for me, though (as I understand it) the kids at Rosemount did get together and play a few games.

At least I think they did...

Not long after my failed attempt at Quebecois ice capades – just around the time I was starting to walk again – the Covid pandemic took the world by storm. I don’t need to tell you about the pandemic or how it panned out, I’m pretty sure you lived it, too, same as I did.

It’s just hard to believe the amount of shit that’s happened in those five years. I don’t suppose it was all negative, either. Ups and downs. Peaks and valleys. Highs and lows.

Yet, if given the choice, I’d probably prioritize ups/peaks/highs over their opposites, and for obvious reasons. I’m not exactly keeping track, so I don’t know what the ratio has really been like. I’m probably better off leaving it ambiguous, even though it feels like the scale tips a little too often towards the downs/valleys/lows, those sons of motherless goats.

Assuming you’re even the slightest bit curious – morbidly so, perhaps – you might wonder what has brought me back to this place. I was a lot more prolific back then. Maybe I was less private, too. I do feel a bit more constrained in being as publicly open as I once was. I’m not sure why, exactly.

It’s some kind of “October daily blog challenge” that Sunny came up with. Three-hundred words a day, any topic, anything at all. I could probably type “CTHULHU FHTAGN” one-hundred and fifty times, post it as a blog entry, and meet the requirements (though not the spirit) of the challenge.

Who’s Sunny? That’s not important right now. What is important is that I’m somewhere around 341 words for this post (and that number only rises the more I write). Which means I can feed the cats and go to sleep. I have to do it in that order, too, because not feeding the cats is a wonderful way to acquire A.F.I.I. (Acute Feline-Induced Insomnia).

Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.

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